Diary of a Wimpy Mum

Monday 12 November 2012

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves :)

So I haven't blogged for months, life has been so busy! I have resumed my studies in midwifery and I love it more than I did when I left to have Emilie, but boy! Oh boy! It keeps me very busy. My mum got married to her new husband, Scott in August. We had an amazing day together (despite the fact Darren had to work and couldnt come) but it was lovely to see them both so happy and brought together our family and friends whom we don't get to see very often. My sister, Kirsten left to live in Canada for a year, Darren has been called onto the Bishopric at Church, so there went any time that we had together. My brother Matthew has been in hospital not very well, my father-in-law has finished his cancer treatment but hasnt been quite his usual self lately, being on the Primary presidency meant being super busy organizing and rehearsing for the annual presentation (which the children were super!) Throw in all the daily chores of being a wife and a mother of 4 children in there and that has been my life which I LOVE!

However, because of all of that, I havent been able to spend much time with my friends. I am so thankful for my friends. I am grateful for those who help me out with school runs, for those who just listen to my stories (good and bad), for those who encourage me when I feel it is all too much and for those who love me for who I am. I am thankful to have friends who understand that even though I cant spend much time with them, I will ALWAYS be there for them if needed - afterall 

I have learned over the past few months that it is not about how much time I can spend with my family and friends, it is about how we spend that time together. Darren and I recently managed to escape the asylum without the children. It was the first time in as long as I could remember, where we managed to go out, enjoy ourselves and to leave any worries behind. It was magical! (We only went to the cinema to watch a James Bond movie, which I don't normally like, but I had a great time!) It was also the first night in over a month where we didn't have somewhere else to go, something else to do or someone to visit. That is a long time. However I now appreciate more, the time we have together. I am grateful for the blessings which we are given on a daily basis because of the sacrifices we make. The sacrifices are made willingly and our children are learning for themselves what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about - SERVICE!

The best thing about being busy is that I don't have time to hold grudges or pass judgement on others. I will hold my hand up and say that I have been guilty of this in the past. Unfortunately, for the Lord to help me learn this lesson, He has had to fill my time for me, but it has worked. I see life totally differently now, I have a greater vision of what is good in life and what's just not worth wasting time contemplating. When President Uchtdorf spoke in the April 2012 General Conference and said "Stop it" - that was for me! I felt it! He is right, it only brings you down and makes you miserable. I am a much happier person now and I know our home has a different atmosphere in it, it is one of love.

I am thankful for these lessons, I am very much looking forward to our Stake Conference this weekend and wish many of you to join me! Much love, Gem xxx

Monday 18 June 2012

New chapter

So we are returning to an old, but new chapter in the MacDonald household. I have returned to my studies of midwifery today. I recently attended an occupational health appointment, to ensure I was fit to return to my course. The nurse seemed confused why I had another baby, knowing my course lasted 3 years. It is hard to explain to a stranger about promptings of the Holy Ghost and having the faith to know that we would be looked after and this is what was meant to be...in 5 minutes! But that was the reason. At the time when I felt prompted to have another baby, I was a little confused. Just a month beforehand, the thought of having another MacDonald was a scary prospect, not one I would have been happy about, thats for sure! However I was prepared by the Lord and we acted in faith, knowing that we would be taken care of.

Little did I know that shortly after becoming pregnant, my dad would take his own life. Such devastation hit our family!!!

Shortly later, my brother received a call regarding a kidney transplant. He traveled to Edinburgh from Fyvie, Aberdeenshire and had the transplant after the necessary tests had been carried out. Twenty years he has waited on this "really good" match, but after a few days, he started to become VERY unwell. He was in intensive care and eventually the kidney had to be removed. It was such an emotional rollercoaster our family had journeyed on.

I was glad to have my little Emilie though. She helped me get through each day by focusing on what was important. She needed love and nourishment, and I was blessed with the ability to give her these things whilst supporting my family. I never expected these things to happen, but because the Lord blessed me with a beautiful baby, it allowed me a little time out from studying and afforded me time with my family when they needed me most.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Act on the promptings you have. You may not understand them at the time, but if you are faithful then your eyes will be opened, lessons will be learned and blessings will be poured out upon you.

However, the time has now come for the next chapter in our lives. I won't have the same time to do all the things I'd like to, but I will do my best. That is all that is asked of me.

And to finish off, I'd like to leave a small message for all my friends. Thank you for being there when I have needed you. You have made life more bearable when it felt like it was all getting too much. You have been absolute angels and I apologize now if I don't get to see you as much. I will miss spending as much time with you, but if you need me. I will be there for you. Forever your friend,

Gem xxx

Monday 21 May 2012

Lost child

Had one of those horrible mummy moments today! You know those ones where your heart sinks, you feel sick with panic?? Yep, recognise it? Well my delightful 6 year old, Jacob decided that it would be better to frighten me by disappearing at the park than to tell me he had fallen over and rolled in mud (with his school clothes on.) One minute he was there, the next he was GONE!!! Emilie and Sam were on the swings, Rebekah was skipping around the park and Jacob was....GONE!! I couldnt see him anywhere. I was worried, panicked, angry, worried some more, feeling sick, concerned....sent Rebekah to the larger play park to check if he was there, but as I watched her wander and showing no signs of seeing him, I pulled the 2 children out the swings, clipped Emilie in her buggy, ran over to the large play area, looked behind me shouting Jacobs name......................................................................................................................................................

........................and there he was!!! Phew! Didnt even notice the mud!! Was just so relieved to see him.

He had been hiding behind the bin so he didnt get into trouble for being covered in mud! I think we both learned a few lessons this afternoon. However, I did get some cute pictures of Emilie (and Rebekah) laughing on the swing :)


I just LOVE this video. Whenever I'm having a rubbish day, or not feeling good about myself. I log on and watch this video. If it was meant for one person in the whole world, it would be me. It touches the bottom of my heart and reminds me of my worth and potential. If you havent seen it before, WATCH it! If you have seen it,watch it AGAIN!!! The next step is to believe it....I'm working on it!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Mummy. Money...sound similar right?

So lately we have been having a huge declutter marathon and selling all the bits and pieces that we no longer need/use. I like to get the children involved as it teaches them to recycle/re-use items rather than wasting them by throwing them in the bin, plus the takings help go towards the "new" (which really means the preloved) items that we purchase. However, whenever I take a picture of something, the children automatically ask "Are you selling that mummy?" The usual answer is "Yes", but this time I just had to laugh. I was taking a picture of 8 month old Emilie, who's current nickname is the "destroying angel." Jacob asked the usual question with a puzzled tone in his voice, but fortunately for all of us, the answer was "no" this time.

The other day in the car, after dropping off one of the sold items, Rebekah asked why we need money. We spoke about how we need to pay bills, buy food and clothing and how money allows us to have some nice things, like toys and sweets. Then we explained that although it is important to be able to do this, money is not THE most important thing in life. She then asked, "Do some people love money more than Jesus?" Darren and I just looked at each other rather surprised and I said "Yes....some people do." Then she said (in her matter of fact tone), "Well I don't. I don't need money to make me happy." My heart melted that my wise, 5 year old little girl is already learning that the greatest things in life are not things. Oh what a wonderful example she is to our family!!

The lesson goes on.....

Yesterday, I found Rebekah rather upset. Jacob had been tormenting her (nothing new there!) and she told me that she had said to Jacob that she loved mummy more than Jesus. Jacob was teasing her saying that he was going to tell me that Rebekah loved MONEY more than Jesus. But she said through her very sweet, but assertive voice, "But I don't mummy. I really don't love money more than Jesus...but I do love you!" and gave me a massive hug :-)

Often it is easy to think that through the hustle and bustle of life, our children are not listening to a word we are saying. When in fact, they are not only listening, but are accepting and changing the things they do or say to be good people. I'm so glad I have my children as a constant reminder of how I should be, they are great!